Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The shape of things to come - IA Inc. map of the net

New version (#4) of the Web Trend Map is out "mapping the 333 most influential web domains and the 111 most influential internet people". They are currently after comments for the draft. If you have something to say, better say it now!

Just some quick comments:
  • Pirate Bay has rather impressive building on the map!
  • There aren't that many microblogging, gadget/widget stuff on the map. Let's see if the picture will be different next time.
  • Additionally I was wondering aren't (teen) virtual worlds influental at all? At least I couldn't find them. Blizzard (WoW) and Disney (line of MMOGs amongst other services) on the map, but Sulake or Neopets/Nickelodeon isn't despite of their (obvious) influence to virtual communities and networking.
  • China and Japan are somewhat on the map but Korea isn't. Maybe some Koreans should correct that, after all Korea is the birthplace or capital of MMOGs and home of CyWorld and Baegsoo - both very impressive services.
  • Indeed WordPress is so much bigger than Blogger
  • Next time I also expect to see some Finnish services on the map (well - Dopplr has some Finns directing the service)
  • Barack Obama on the map?!
  • Newspapers seem to be pretty nicely on the map (go Aftonbladet!) but for how long... Also do newspapers have better web presence than tv-channels?

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